From "The ANKH:The Afrikan Origins of Electromagnitism"
"Its influence (the Ankh) was felt in every dynastic period and survives as an icon possessing mystical powers throughout the Coptic Christian Era."
"One of the most famous of these shrines was the ARK (ANKH) of the Covenant. Built by Moses the Egyptian, to protect the tablets of the Ten Commandments and to serve as a reminder of God. Once charged, this portable shrine was potentially lethal if touched, as was evident in the Old TEstament account. A priesthood specially trained to handle the shrine wore special clothing for protection and used a ROD to ground or discharge the Ark. When the shrine was discharged by the priest it could be handled safely. (Exodus 25) (I Chronicles 13:9)"
"Shrines were usually placed on high mountains, natural or artificial, to take advantage of this effect. Moses was no doubt an eye witness account to the Ark in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyamid at Giza. The sarcophagus contained the electrified mummy of the God-King Khufu as part of a high-voltage circuit. With this tremendous power the God-King could still communicate his will in this world from the ankhet (other-world)."
"Another device attributed to Moses is the Helicial antanna, made in the form of a copper serpent and suspended on a pole. It was supposedly built in the wilderness (egypt), and as the golden calf, represented the Goddess Hathor, the serpent was symbolic of the Goddess Isis. The serpent built by Moses was destroyed by Hezekiah during a period when Israel was under intense pressure from the Assyrians to abandon their spiritual, cultural and military alliances with Egypt. (2 Kings 18:4)"
The author-Aisha Zulu
"You may be asking yourself why the Europeans did not use the ANKH for its intended purpose, or how could an object so popular in the Nile Valleys of Africa be virtually ignored by Europe. This is because the Euroepans lacked melanin, which is an organic semi-conductor, that acts as a detector (sixth sense). Without an electic skin, an ankh is practically useless. However the principles on which the ankh operated would give birth to the many electronic gadgets in use today."
"Ankhians are not selfish, we share the gifts of healing and life with all people who respect the primordial Afrikan source of all earth life. The mitochrondrial Eve is a Nubian Khamit woman - Ta-Urt Sekemet Mut Ast."
"Ankh may be worn by all who adore NTR the one life source as NTR Ankh (Divine Supreme Womb/Seed Source of Life) the Mother/Father Creator. An initiate wearer, carrier or user of the Ankh honors the feminine (womb) principle as the first and eldest manifestation of divine in Kosmos and on earth. She/he is cognizant of the need of Maat in a patriarchial world. Ankh supporters practice Matriarchy - Balanced Execution of power in felmale/male relationships. Ankh demands focus and attention to spiritual and material needs simulaneously."
It is interesting to note that it was when Napoleon sent around 100 european scientists to Khemet/Kush that they came back having all of a sudden "discovered" electricity. Volta and the rest of them went to AFRIKA to learn our High Sciences! and PLAGERIZED (though never developed to the advanced degrees that our Ancestors did) our KNOWLEDGE!
And to go a bit DEEPAH INNA's a little more food for thought Bill Donahue (SuperNova):
The Lion of Judah. What could that be.? The enlightenment entering from the East or the right side. The enlightenment coming from the right hemisphere of the brain. I think I can make that work because of the book of Numbers in the Bible.
Numbers 2:3 And on the east side toward the rising of the sun shall they of the standard of the camp of Judah pitch throughout their armies: Remember, when you look North, East is always on the right side. There we have the Tribe of Judah at the East. The Sun being the domicile of the Lion. The Lion of Judah. Enlightenment from the right hemisphere.
Oh by the way Numbers 2:9 in the Bible says that there were 186,400 people in the Camp of Judah. THE CONSTANT SPEED OF LIGHT!
Let me suggest to you that the Ark of the Covenant and is actually the Arc of the Covenant and Noahs Ark is actually Noahs Arc. What is an Arc ?. An Arc is defined as a continuous passage of an electric current between two or more separated carbon or other electrodes. Nerve impulses in the human body are triggered across synapse's. These are electrical impulses. In the brain the impulse Arcs from one receptor to the other.
As we are in meditation we are receiving light energy through the Pineal Gland which then causes Arcs of electricity from receptor to receptor. The covenant is the elctrical light message flowing to us from above that keeps us forever in harmony with the universal power.
As we take ourselves within during deep struggles. The storms are crashing about on every side. But the same electrical Arcs lift us , and when the storm has finally stopped, we find we are standing on the mountain top . We have taken our animal nature, both positive and negative, (two of every kind) with us and weathered the storm. These are inner experiences of consciousness achieved through electrical Arcs, or should I say Arks."
Oh, and by the way. If angles of light cause Arcs in the brain, could we be reasonable to suggest Archangels or should we say Arc-angles"
And a bit more from the "Black Dot" by King:
Please note that what I have put in parenthesis are my words:
"His theory (King's) fixes on the pineal gland which, though IGNORED by WESTERN MEDICINE, was known to Ancient Africans as "the eye of Heru", placed in the middle of the forehead, indicating the "substancia Nigra", or black substance of the middle brain. This, he says, they knew to be the key to "inner vision", or the door to the collective unconscious, perhaps closest to what we now call "intuition." According to King, a process that takes place in the pineal gland in the brain releases chemicals that allow himan being to learn from their ANCESTORS." The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which activates the pituitary to release M.S.H. (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone).
It is in the melanocytes that melanin (greek "melas"=Black) is produced. Melanin is somewhat analogous to chlorophyll in plants. While the growth of plants is directed toward physical sunlight, King contends that the growth of human beings is directed toward higher states of consciousness. This would imply that somehow melanin is related to highly developed states of consciousness, or "spiritual light." We are familiar with melanin in relation to the pigmentation of the skin. But we are NOT TAUGHT about the relationship between the skin and the brain (perfectly created by the Most High). The outter layer of the skin is where melanin is produced in the pre-fetus (in the beginning was DARKNESS, and then LIFE was brought forth).
In the core of the brain are found 12 BLACK nuclei, or melanated centers (12 planets/tribes - as above so below, man in JAH's Image). The outer layer of the skin in the developing fetus invaginates to form the spinal column (Kindalini, Chakras) the end of which balloons out, becoming the brain. The twelfth of these "centers", and therefore the "highest," is the Locus Coeruleus. King says that they are related to spirituality and conciousness and also allow human beings access to the world of dreams, thereby learning from ancestral experiences.
Melanin is released from the pineal gland between 11pm and 7am. It unlocks the "door to the unconscious. Melatonin is also related to fertility ("go forth and multiply") "Blackness or carbon is LIFE and is therefore DIVINE. He says that Ancient Africans understood this, and called themselves by various names meaning "black", such as "Kemites" (people of the black earth), from which the Greeks developed the word "chemistry" (KHEM-MYSTERY) and the Arabs "alchemy." Recognizing the special significance of their blackness, WHICH FAR TRANSCENDS THE COLOR OF THE SKIN, these ancient scientists studied the working of their own minds (Know Thyself, for the Kingdom of Jah is WITHIN) which they understood as being identified with their ENTIRE BODIES.
Inner vision, intuition, creative genius, and spiritual illumination were all found to be dependent upon pineal gland blood bourne chemical messengers that controlled skin color and opened the HIDDEN DOOR to the darkeness of the COLLECTIVE unconscious mind, allowing the ANCIENT PRIEST-SCIENTIST to visualize knowledge from the TIMELESS collective unconscious memory banks of the mind. Indeed, the Black Dot was found to be the hidden doorway to universal
knowledge of the PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE."
GENESIS 32:28-31
And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast revailed. And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name?
And he blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel (Pineal): for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. And as he passed over Peniel (Pineal) the sun rose upon him, and halted upon his thigh."
"Melanin is a "Black" chemical. It is black because it can absorb energy from all sources such as sunlight, heat, UV, radio waves, electromagnetic energy, cosmic waves, etc... It accepts and absorbs this energy and doesn't reflect anything back, hence it being "black". Melanin appears in virtually everything on this planet that has color, Trees, Plants, Animals, Fish, Humans.
As far as Humans go Melanin reaches its' peak in the Nubian and allows us to stand under the sun (Ra), without fear of skin cancer or the Sun Burn that lighter races have to deal with. Which also explains why now you see the Europeans who make Suntan lotion are adding synthetic Melanin to protect the European people from being destroyed by the Sun as we move into the Solar Cycle."
"Melanin is a very old chemical and has been involved with the processes of life for EONS. We know that Melanin has a "sweet" scent and that outside of the body it can withstand temperatures in excess of 1200 degrees and still retain at least 50% of its' original characteristics. As stated before melanin responds to absorbs energy from sources such as light, heat, electricity, sound (music), etc... and it uses this energy in the body as food. This means that your Melanin can be "charged" like a battery so to speak and depending on the type of energy you are around, that would make up the charge you get (+ or -)."
Therefore it should come to no surprise that it is ONLY Ethiopian (Black/Melanated) High Priests which are entrusted to be the gardians of the ARK (ANKH) OF THE COVENANT.
Other than it being because of Spiritual and Cultural reasons, it is also SCIENTIFIC, as the Afrikan Mind does NOT seperate Science from Spirituality. It is the HUE-MAN being which possesses high amounts of melanin who will better ABSORB the Cosmic Elements (Creation). As RA ("SOL" in latin) is the Source of Life, then it should be of no surprise that those who absorb it to greater degrees would naturally be a more SOUL (sol) FULL PEOPLE.
The Almighty Creator is the GREATEST MASTER SCIENTIST, and we, the Original Man and Woman of Creation/Civilization are His/Her PERFECT reflection.
Nice series of puns. I hope you don't intend anyone to take this seriously.